KARUNA is equipped with a range of facilities suitable for cross-cultural events, ecumenical and interfaith meetings, retreats, workshops and seminars. It can be used for both residential and non-residential programmes. A maximum of 20-22 live-in guests can be accommodated comfortably.
The Centre offers a quiet environment for taking time from a busy life to relax, reflect and share. The Centre may be booked by outside groups for all of the above activities.
The Centre has three meditation lounges (Buddhist, Hindu and Abrahamic), a Christian Chapel, a large and a small meeting room, a reading room, a private prayer room, a spiritualoty library, a modern commercial kitchen, a spacious dining room, and a large enclosed garden.
There is a fully equipped commercial kitchen to cater for a maximum of 38 sit-down guests.
There are facilities to support up to four people requiring wheel chair access: a disabled toilet, shower and bath.
The Centre can accommodate a limited number of live-in guests and host additional participants for meals and day attendance.
The Centre may host two medium-sized groups (8-10 people each) meeting at the same time. Special consideration may be given to accommodate youth groups.
There is an outdoor patio and a barbeque in the garden.
Related Information:
Enquiry Form for people wishing to be placed on JSC Contact List
Registration Form for people who are coming to the JSC for the first time